A Convincing Victory For ICT



ICT and Rising Stars clashed in this one sided fixture of the 15th Challengers Cup. ICT batted first and were off to a shaky start as the top order failed to live up to the expectations. ICT looked in trouble until Hunain and Talha Gul Ahmed held things together. Hunain scored 38 runs and Talha gathered 25 runs. After this partnership broke, Ibrahim came in to bat and scored 27 important runs which helped his team to attain a competitive position. Mustafa Fattani took 3 wickets while Malik got 2 wickets. At the end of 20 overs ICT scored 159 runs for the loss of 9 wickets.

Rising Stars had a tremulous start to their chase, as wickets kept falling at regular intervals. Malik scored 19 runs but failed to cash his start and eventually lost his wicket. Abbas Lakhani was the top scorer with 34 runs. The bowling was outstanding as Hunain bowled extremely well for his 4 for 9. He was supporte by Talha Gul Ahmed who took 2 wicekts. Rising Stars could manage to score only 123 runs before being all out in the 19th over. The match was won by ICT by a margin of 36 runs.
