Nazeer Husaain Gymkhana Win Convincingly

The Nazeer Hussain Gymhkhana beat the Rebels Cricket Club convincingly by 6 wickets on 8-11-2015 at the Mansoora ground.

The Rebels got off to a terrible start batting first as both openers were dismissed cheaply by Usman Ghani. However, Umar Saleem and Rehan Hakeem put up a fanstastic partnership for the 4th wicket scoring 20 and 51 respectively to give the innings some direction. Ahmed Ali then made 27 of 19 balls to take the Rebels CC to 139.  Atif Ali picked up 3 wickets for NHG while Ehsan Zafar and Usman Ghani picked up 2 wickets each.

Nazeer Hussain Gymkhana achieved the total comfortably with more than 2 overs left and 6 wickets in the bag. Opener Farhan Asif got the NHG going with his flashy 31 of 18 balls. Farukh Rizvi remained out in the middle making sure the chase would be completed, remaining unbeaten on 57 of just 32 balls. Hassan Qazi kept the pace going with his 26, ensuring that the NHG win confortably by 6 wickets in just 17.2 overs.

Nazeer Hussain Gymkhana VS Rebels CC

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